Friday 8 July 2011

Week Ten Roundup

I've actually found this week quite hard. I did go into town at the weekend and that was great. I also had an eye test and chose some new glasses, which I really enjoyed.

I then went into school on Tuesday to meet my new class and attend a couple of meetings all relating to the next academic year. It was really nice to meet my new class but being in school properly like that (as opposed to just for sports day) made me realise a couple of things. Number one was that I've missed so much from being out of school for a term. I felt really out of touch with all the things people were talking about. The second thing I realised was that no matter how easy and pain free it is being at home (mainly on the sofa!), I really am not better yet!! I sat down for the vast majority of the day while in school but had to move around between rooms a bit and my feet were very sore by the end of the day, They were also quite swollen. I found this a bit disheartening but in one way at least I know now that I do still need to be at home and resting for the majority of the time.

My feet are looking much better than last week in terms of the scabs. The left bunion scab is much smaller now and the right bunion scab and dry skin has gone, along with the silver nitrate. The large scab on my right foot is still there but has reduced in size a bit. When I look at last week's photos compared to this week's, this week my feet do seem a bit more swollen but I think that is just a result of me being on my feet a bit more now. I now make my own lunch and wash up (usually in two or three sessions) and so I am standing up  quite a bit more now.

I also feel like my toes are 'relaxing' a bit now. The little toes especially look a bit more natural now. I'm not sure how they will end up at the end of the process but I think the left foot is looking really good already.

I think that the scab on the left foot will come off pretty soon. The one on top of my right foot is still very securely attached but has got a bit smaller this week. The hard skin underneath my feet has also been coming off really well and walking barefoot is less painful now.

The other problem I've had this week has been the big toenail on my left foot ingrowing again. I had this problem a lot before and it was a bit ingrown last week too but I knocked it on Tuesday evening which was really sore and it's been bothering me a bit the last couple of days. I will need to go and see the podiatrist when my feet are fully healed and she should be able to sort it out.

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